The Tea Post 11 Scary Jeans


Story Time: A Story About My Lockdown Cat

I guess I’ve gotten pretty used to not going anywhere the last few years. I’m introverted with introverted hobbies: reading, drawing, music, gaming, and an introverted job: writing writing writing. My husband is also working from home. He is also introverted with introverted hobbies: gaming, reading, and all things computer. It was easy to transition much of our social lives online since we already had a social life online.

We did get a cat (Kaladin) during the lockdown, and he loves to go on night walks where we also don’t meet other people. In fact, he is also an introvert, he doesn’t like strangers, though he does love the outdoors.


Back Story

We take Kaladin with us whenever we travel long distances. He doesn’t love the car rides. He complains and hides before trips but he is happy once we get to a destination—and usually only for major holidays when we will be gone several days.

During lockdown we got used to not going out to eat and found it convenient to just order groceries for delivery.

Long Day

We had a particularly long work day and decided to eat out at a place just a block away. I got ready and noticed Kaladin was watching me. Then my husband came out, ready to go, and Kaladin dived for cover. We thought it was weird but, sometimes he runs if he wants to get chased.

So we went out to eat. Got some delicious Poke!

However, once we got home again, Kaladin was still hiding . . .


No Life

I found Kaladin hiding under the bed, and then he began to slink and army crawl away from both me and my husband. My husband caught him and walked to the front door—because Kaladin likes when we leave the door open with the screen closed. But he started complaining as soon as the door opened.

And then we realized.

He thought we were going on a long trip.

The only thing that was different was . . . my husband was wearing . . .

Dun. Dun. Dun.


Kaladin thought we were going on a long trip . . . because we put pants on.

I guess we need to get out of the house more? Because even our cat thinks the only reason we would go outside in normal clothes is to travel for the holidays.

Have a wonderful Tuesday! And go out and see some sunshine!


Searching for Sun Hardback Edition


Searching for Sun Chapter Eleven