Searching for Sun Hardback Edition


Publication News!

So excited to show pictures for Searching for Sun’s hardback edition!

The concept of the cover art reflects the terrain on planet Gliese where the novel takes place. I began writing Searching for Sun in 2012 when a discussion over the existence of planet Gliese 581g was written about. At the time, all anyone knew was that Gliese 581g was a “Goldilocks” planet. Meaning a planet the correct distance from its sun--not too hot and not too cold for life and for liquid water. It was also believed to be tidally locked so that half the planet faces its sun all the time, and half doesn't. Humans could technically live along the habitable zone between the light and dark sides of the planet. I loved the idea of a hot desert side of a planet contrasted with a frozen side and basically time losing meaning when it came to day cycles.

This setting was the first inspiration for me. It felt exciting, and it influenced themes in the novel of natural contrast. Human evolution through nature versus through technology--both achieving similar things but struggling to co-exist together.

I couldn’t be happier with this print edition. The dust jacket is matte. The interior cover is pretty much identical to the dust jacket. Below you can get a preview of the book exterior plus the inside front pages!

hardback pre-orders: Amazon Searching for Sun and Barns&Noble: Searching for Sun

ebook available: Amazon: Searching for Sun! and Barns&Noble: Searching for Sun


Happy Thursday!


Searching for Sun Chapter Twelve


The Tea Post 11 Scary Jeans