The Tea Post 5


Last week my husband and I babysat my brother’s cat.

Kipo came to live with us and our own cat, Kaladin, for about a week.


My brother’s tuxedo cat! She loves treats, belly scratches, and hanging with humans.

Our kitty: a mixed Maine Coon, and Long Hair Domestic. He loves going for short walks, sunbathing, and napping in my lap while I work.


Step One : The Blunder

Kipo came for a one-day meet-up! Upon revealing a nice kitty had entered our home, Kaladin launched himself like a hell cat at Kipo’s carrier and yowled at her almost the entirety of her first visit. (We were very embarrassed cat parents.)


Step Two : The Humans Do Some Research

According to the internet:

  • It can take an entire year for a male cat to like another cat introduced into the home!

  • Give cats their own space! They are territorial.

  • To encourage cats to get along, give them positive experiences (food, treats, attention) while they are in close proximity.

  • Don’t let them fight. Ever. They won’t forgive one another. (Needless to say, Kipo remembered that first impression.)

  • If both cats like you, be that middle friend they can both get along with together.


Step Three : Practice

The week arrived! Kipo came to stay with us!

Luckily our house is split in half by a hall with a door to keep them both safe from one another. We practiced the above advice, and by the fourth day they were used to one another enough that they could meet through carriers without incident. Treats like, fresh tuna, and freeze-dried chicken and salmon won over their cold kitty hearts.


Step Four : The Human Third Wheel

Day five and they would touch noses when they met! So me or my husband became the third wheel, holding one, while the other ran around the whole house smelling things. Occationally the free kitty would approach and sniff one another and leave without incident.


Step Five : Sucess!!


We let them free in the same room! Kaladin wanted to play more than Kipo did. I can’t say they ever truly loved one another. But they did tolerate one another for the last three days of Kipo’s stay.

Caty Thursday Everyone!


Searching for Sun Chapter Six


Searching for Sun Chapter Five