The Tea Post 24: Writing & Book Rebinding


Writing update

I finished my latest sci-fi book! Title TBD. It will be a SFF, Adventure/Thriller. It’s off to one of my beta readers currently.

Book Blurb (Contains some spoilers)

Conscripted into the Annex’s military, 29-year-old Captain GG500 only has three weeks left before she’s a free cyber citizen—if she doesn’t screw up her cushy last job ferrying criminals to the nine worlds’ prison planet. One more strike on her record and The Controller will see her deported and stripped of her citizenship.

The problem? Two of GG’s prisoners don’t belong aboard.

One’s an innocent man. His crimes?—Rudeness with no chance for appeal. Wind elemental Gentleman Casimir Gladiolas has been framed by his ruthless ex-fiancée, Canna Lilly. All so she can steal the exclusive business contract he’s worked years to acquire from a reclusive and exactingly polite alien race—the Delleans.

The other prisoner? A Necro-Lord assassin hired by Canna to ensure Casimir never returns from the prison planet to contest her accusations.

GG fears the Necro-Lord will kill everyone aboard to bury evidence of the assassination—or worse, eternally enslave them all by turning them into necro-flesh.

Crashing onto the prison planet, GG and Casimir work together to escape as the Necro-Lord hunts them, hounding them with necro-flesh prisoners. To make matters worse, the shifting gravity of the planet itself alters their path forward as they search out a cyber base—and the only working ships that can take them off planet.

Neither expect to discover the planet holds captive more than criminals. It’s been keeping something hidden that may bring back their planet-breaking alien overlords to this side of the galaxy.

Narrowly escaping the prison planet, Casimir invites GG to work for him. But first GG must face the consequences of her botched mission. If she’d known the fate awaiting her back on Annex, she’d have taken Casimir’s offer. Instead, GG takes his place. Transformed into necro-flesh GG is deported from Annex with a secret mission. She is to murder the man and bury the secrets she set free.

Next Project

In the meantime, I am back to working on my MG fantasy duologies that got put on hold for this book. Spell Eater and Fear Eater. This series follows two sisters, separated at birth, but connected by magic aprons. One sister can see and nullify magic by eating spells. The other can’t interact or be affected by magic. The events of each duology are happening at the same time in the same world. They are an adventure fantasy with a little romance.

Book ReBinding!

My Current Project has been a duology rebind of Legends & Lattes and Bookstores & Bonedust by Travis Baldree.

Blueprints for making your own copy of The Sword of Kaigan

For those interested in making their own rebind of The Sword of Kaigen, here are the art files! (The sword image can be flipped and crossed on the back. The spine can be printed together or in pieces. I layered the front cover in iron on order: silver outline, then black silhouette then title. There are little gaps in the image to help you line them all up.)

1.) I used this bookcloth.

2.) And this foil brand.

(They are a bit pricy but they both go on sale, you just have to keep an eye out.)

3.) And this paperback copy of The Sword of Kaigan.

Hope it turns out amazing!


If you are interested in my book you can find it at one of the retailers below or request it at your local library! Even if it isn’t in your library yet, you can make a request and often libraries will stock a copy! Or check out the free sample chapters on my blog, and offered on Amazon’s ebook edition.

Barns&Noble: Searching for Sun

Amazon: Searching for Sun

Powells: Searching for Sun

The Broken Binding: Searching for Sun


The Tea Post 23: Book Rebinding & Editing