The Tea Post 22: Art & Editing


Update on the past few months!

Excitingly, I’m over halfway through editing the first draft of my new Science Fiction book! The title is still in progress, but it’s clocking in around 110k words at the moment—which is still in the acceptable range for most Sci-Fi Fantasy novels. I’m also working on a short story in the same world wich I plan to share on this blog.



I made a book-inspired Vtuber! This was a fun process. I chose some of my favorite books and put quotes onto the skirt and hairpiece. The kanji in her eye is the symbol for book. I based her off the tradition of magical girl art in anime.

I may or may not actually use her to make book reviews—but the process was fun. The top image of the library in space is the background I made for her.

And I’m planning on making more models!


And lastly! I’ve gotten into book binding!

I’ve always wanted to bind books! And I’ve been slowly collecting all the equipment over the past year. My first attempts were messy but I’m happy with my final product! You can check out the process and final product on tiktok! This is One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig—I’m working on the cover for the sequel now.


If you are interested in my book you can find it at one of the retailers below or request it at your local library! Even if it isn’t in your library yet, you can make a request and often libraries will stock a copy! Or check out the free sample chapters on my blog, and offered on Amazon’s ebook edition.

Barns&Noble: Searching for Sun

Amazon: Searching for Sun

Powells: Searching for Sun

The Broken Binding: Searching for Sun


The Tea Post 23: Book Rebinding & Editing


The Tea Post 21: Sept-Oct