The Tea Post 19 Sketch ideas



I’ve hit 64K words on my new Science Fiction book! Roughly 256 double-spaced pages! I hope to wrap the story up at or before 90K!

I’ve also been working on some digital art. I’ve mostly only worked with watercolor and pencil drawings, so learning the tools for digital art has been a learning curve! But also pretty amazing! You can check out some art I’ve done below, playing around with some fun comic strips and styles of art.


Some setting ideas and character design


This one is read left to right!


This one is read in two panels going downwards!


If you are interested in my book you can find it at one of the retailers below or request it at your local library! Even if it isn’t in your library yet, you can make a request and often libraries will stock a copy! Or check out the free sample chapters on my blog, and offered on Amazon’s ebook edition.

Barns&Noble: Searching for Sun

Amazon: Searching for Sun

Powells: Searching for Sun


The Tea Post 20: New Book Character Sketches


The Tea Post 18 April