The Tea Post 15 January


Happy New Year!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful December!


December was a fun month of Advent Calendars, family time, and reading. My resolution for this new year is to get some form of audio advertising going for my novel, Searching for Sun. Looking into V-tube, youtube, twitch, etc. Also, I’d love to finish solid drafts of the last two books in my fantasy duology series’.


Over Christmas I got to play Twilight Imperium with my brother—now probably my favorite games—though it is a long one!


I got a lovely book tower for Christmas!


Kaladin enjoyed the tree!


And I made myself do a full small-video series of advent book chapters. You can check out my Instagram for more. (Mostly just chill/pretty videos) like the one below! I had a mug of tea along with 24 chapters of my novel leading up to Christmas.

If you are interested in my book you can find it at one of the retailers below or request it at your local library! Even if it isn’t in your library yet, you can make a request and often libraries will stock a copy!

Barns&Noble: Searching for Sun

Amazon: Searching for Sun

Powells: Searching for Sun


The Tea Post 16 Favorite Books of 2022


The Tea Post 14 December