The Tea Post 12 Inktober2022


Thank you so much for all your support ramping up to my book launch!

Searching for Sun is now out. I’ve enjoyed the pictures of people getting my book in the mail over the past week! Thank you for being excited with me! I will reduce my publishing newsletter to monthly updates on future products or more exciting news about Searching for Sun! If you haven’t gotten a copy yet and wish to you can always ask a local bookstore to order it for you (if it isn’t in stock) or find it in the links below.

Barns&Noble: Searching for Sun
Amazon: Searching for Sun

Currently, I am attempting Inktober2022 and theming the art off characters and scenes in Searching for Sun. I’ll be posting daily art to my Instagram and Twitter accounts.


The Tea Post 13 Nanowrimo


Searching for Sun Chapter Twelve