The Tea Post 1

Most common questions that I get in person . . . and some I imagine you may want to know.

What do you write?

I write science fiction and fantasy! I am publishing a standalone, though too large to traditionally, (debut), publish science fiction novel!

“But we love large science fiction novels! That seems easy to publish!”

No. No, it isn’t. Not until you reach godhood like Brandon Sanderson and people let you do whatever you want. Big books = more paper = more storage = larger cost = smaller profit. Do some people make it happen anyways, sure, and some people win the lottery, and some people have stepped on the moon, and some people get to raise tigers and lions and not get eaten.

“Have you considered making your book shorter, or splitting it into multiple books?”

I have, and I hate the idea. I feel like the first book would be too slow in pace, and the second way too fast. This novel is a rolling snowball, starts small and slow but picks up the pace. Also, the themes/foreshadowing/general gratification for reading this book would be missing in the first half. (Should anyone offer to traditionally publish I would cave in a blink and split it like a pizza, but until then, I’ll publish it the way I want to!)

I also write middle-grade fantasy (with sprinkles of science fiction)! I am currently working on a trilogy (this time with a word count agents don’t run screaming from). I will post samples of these books on this blog!

On the side, I am tinkering with a larger universe. It will be a science fiction/fantasy project with standalone novels in the same universe. As well as a Japanese-inspired urban fantasy which may or may not ever see the light of day.

What stories can I expect to see on this blog?

In terms of fiction, I will be posting sample chapters of Searching for Sun, as well as sample chapter’s that are ready for beta reading. Feel free to leave comments on the blogs!

I will also be posting amusing (to me) stories about my writing life, or life in gerneral—like this one! I will be tagging novels under their titles and slice of life posts under (The Tea).

Who are you?

I am a stay-at-home writer. I like comfy things. I am a tea addict. I need to be able to look up and see a tree or scrap of green life to write on most days. I migrate around to get my writing done. Sometimes I write at the library, or coffee shop if I am feeling adventurous; more often at my desk, coffee table, or on my phone while in bed or while riding a stationary bike.

What are you up to in this publishing business?

For a long time, I held out against self-publishing. The dream is still traditional publishing. And I will still be querying agents for other projects. But the markets are getting more open and the quality of printed copies is getting much nicer for self-published books. If you are interested in hearing more about the journey of building a website/social media/mailing lists/other businessy writing things leave a comment!

Also, leave a comment if you are interested in hearing about anything else!


Searching for Sun Chapter Two


Searching for Sun Chapter One